‘Super-nutrients’ for Beautiful Skin

Hey Zealists!

Back at you with another value packed entry. This month we are going to spend some time talking about skin. This is ‘Zeal’ so you already know that we will be diving into this topic from a place of balance! I know, couldn’t help myself!

Majority of the world is on a quest to make sure that they put forward their best glow when they step out. I mean…why not. It’s a gift to feel beautiful in our own skin. To ensure of this, we have our unique skin care routines comprising of various products and practices that target acne, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles…I could go on. These routines are so very important. However, from my experience, there is one crucial element of our skin care routines that we tend to overlook too often. That is…our diet.

Yepp! Lunch time, breakfast and dinner are all a part of our skin care routine. What we put out is directly linked to what we put in. This is something that is proven and when it comes to our skin, the same applies. Our skin benefits tremendously from the foods we consume. Some in the cosmetic industry would have you believe that you need to spend dollaaass on multiple products but not many people are placing a big emphasis on diet. Nothing is wrong with skin care products don’t get me wrong. They are great for helping to nurture your skin. But we can’t forget that other side of the coin. What is the point of spending so much money on products when you aren’t taking care of your skin from the inside out. You could even end up having to spend more on products for that same reason. To get and maintain glowing, healthy skin (in addition to the RIGHT products for your skin type) we also HAVE to be intentional about what we eat.

Now you might ask…what should I be eating to help improve the health of my skin? What are in these foods that make them so good? Look no further! This blog post is about to dish out some of the awesome nutrients that are great for our skin and why. It then takes you another step further by outlining some of the foods from which you can get these nutrients. So much goodness in one post, I know! Let’s get right into it.


Omega 3 Fatty Acids



A family of polyunsaturated fats. It is an essential fat meaning that the body cannot make it from scratch and must obtain it via the diet. There are three main types: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)


  • Natural moisturiser — improve balanced hydration & helps soften rough, dry skin.

  • Regulate the skin's oil production.

  • Anti-inflammatory properties — can have a soothing effect on irritation and dermatitis


Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil are readily absorbed upon consumption, while plant forms need to be converted first in the body before they can be used.

RICH SOURCES: See infographic


Vitamin E (Alpha-tocopherol)



A fat soluble vitamin and essential nutrient (a nutrient that cannot be made by the body).


  • Immune system stimulant: By supporting the immune system, it helps to increase the skin's ability to fight unwanted bacteria.

  • Anti-oxidant: Removes free radicals and helps prevent cellular DNA damage (a process involved in skin aging).

  • Free-radicals are unstable and highly reactive chemical compounds that are produced in the body via natural biochemical reactions. They can cause adverse alterations to our cells and the DNA within those cells. Through a process called oxidative stress, this underlies many unwanted changes to our skin like quick aging. The body keeps their levels in balance by employing antioxidants that mop up these free radicals. Therefore, vitamin E sources are great for protecting the skin from oxidative damage.


Vitamin E can be absorbed better when combined with vitamin C rich food sources.

RICH SOURCES: See infographic


Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)



A water-soluble vitamin.


  • Essential in collagen production. Collagen is responsible for making skin cells strong and resilient and maintains the elastic properties of skin. Therefore, vitamin C helps support all these functions of collagen and simultaneous aid in decreasing the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.

  • Lightens hyperpigmentation & diminishes scars, brightens the complexion.

  • Anti-inflammatory


Persons who smoke actually excrete vitamin C alot faster than those who do not smoke.

RICH SOURCES: See infographic





An essential mineral.


  • Reduces excess sebum production.

  • Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial: decreases acne breakouts.

  • Aids in healing & repairing skin damage.

  • Encourages the production of collagen and elastin.

  • Reduces hyperpigmentation by inhibiting melanocyte stimulating factors.


Zinc is the second-most abundant metal in the body, after iron. It is important for immune function, egg fertilisation, cell division, and a host of other enzymatic reactions.

Source: click this link

RICH SOURCES: See infographic

An infographic listing the rich food sources of zinc




An ultratrace element with a role in multiple biologic functions.


  • Powerful antioxidant: works alongside vitamins C and E.

  • Prevents Signs of Aging: Selenium fights free radicals, minimises skin damage and inflammation.

  • Selenium fights inflammatory cytokines that eventually cause skin damage.

  • Selenium (when paired with Vitamin E) is important for the function of glutathione peroxidase (an antioxidant), which may help skin heal.


One single brazil nut provides enough selenium to meet the daily requirement for a human adult.

RICH SOURCES: See infographic


Of course this list is not complete. There are so many other nutrients out there that can do wonders for our skin. If there is one thing you take from this post, remember that intrinsically healthy skin is the best foundation on which you can build beautiful skin. A good diet can help with this. I hope this break down was helpful in outlining some of the things you might want to add to your diet in the name of glowing skin! Comment and let me know: Is diet a huge part of your skin care routine? What are some of the challenges surrounding incorporating these foods into your diet?


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