2023 Vibe: Take Time to Live

Black woman posing outside Mimosas Barbados

2023 Vibe



Hey Zealists!


I honestly cannot believe that we are two weeks into 2023 already! Like where has the time gone! I feel like I’m now catching my breath from the marathon that was 2022!

The funny thing about time is that it is one of our most precious non-renewable resources. Once it is gone we can't get it back. Coming into 2023, this reality has been poking me in my side every single day. Nudging at my mind constantly. I think that is because there is so much on my heart that I want to get done and I don't want to take for granted the gift of time. I want to be the best steward I can be of my time to live out my purpose, to see my goals manifest and to fully soak in the abundance of this experience. I can’t stress enough how important this is for me in 2023. Especially coming out of my internship season where I felt like I had zero control when it came to managing my time. I mean how could you not feel that way when every 3-4 days you're clocking in 36 hours minimum plus the extended work hours in between…madness! Some of you reading this live busy lives too and can definitely relate.

So I’ve been spending the first two weeks of 2023 planning especially in the context of my baby: ‘Zeal by Zedelle’ 🥰 . How best could I pour into my zeal fam to ensure that we all keep our health and wellness in prime shape this year? I kept coming back to the concept of time as I thought about the conversations I had with some of my zealists in 2022. One of our biggest struggles was finding the time to exercise, to rest, to prepare a healthy plate of food or to catch up with friends. Finding time to just be! For whatever reason it seemed like work was the dictator of all our time. It was allowed to take whatever it wanted and we had to make do with whatever was left. Then it hit me one day, this is the definition of insanity.

I had to ask myself, do you know how messed up that actually is? That your career/studies prevent you from doing the things that keep you healthy and functioning at your best? Imagine 5-10 years down the line when yes you've worked your butt off but your sneakers have dry rotted, your gym clothes no longer fit, you can’t lift or control your body weight, your heart races and chest hurts after walking from the living room to the bathroom and you keep getting sick. You're tired all the time and stressed. How effective will we be then? Where will all that hard earned money go to? The vaca trip to Tulum?? Naw you'll be pouring that right into the doctor's, the physiotherapist's and the medical laboratories pockets. I don't know about you but that's not what I'm working for.

I want to be able to run around with my grandchildren. I want to still have both my feet at 50 to take me to which ever destination spot my heart desires. I want to be able to praise God for hours without getting tired. I want to be able to show up for and give back to my community. I still want to be able to christen the entire house with hubby...should we decide to do so for the third time that week...without having to call the doctor the next day because the back finally gave out 😄🤣😩. I still want to be able to LIVE for goodness sake. So NO to the rat race sucking the life out of me. It will be a hard pass in 2023. Zeal will be the voice of reclaiming time this year. Hence, our theme for 2023:

Whole year you're gonna be hearing me referencing this a lot so brace yourselves.

We are reclaiming health. We are reclaiming balance. We are reclaiming basic human rights to things like rest. Yes REST! We are going to be taking time to laugh more, grow more, enjoy more and just feel alive. We are normalising prioritising not only self care but community care. Where we look out for those around us and help pull them up when they feel like they're drowning. Healthier minds, bodies, souls and relationships in 2023? Now that's something I'll drink to.

Happy New Year Zeal fam!

Cheers to taking time to live #tttl


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