Zeal by Zedelle Services

Zedelle, Hilton Beach Barbados, Rawli Photography

 Each health & fitness routine is unique because each client is unique. Your routine should comprise of elements geared towards all of you: body, mind & soul. Explore the most popular services below or contact me to create a custom package.

  • Lifestyle & Fitness Routine Consult

    Struggling to find that work life balance? Have no clue how you’re going to make it to the gym, eat, finish that project and still have time to relax with your loved ones? Book a consult with me and I’ll show you!

  • Goal directed Meal Plans

    A well organised schematic to help you stay on track with healthy meals to help you reach your goals.

  • Holistic Fitness Programs

    Gym/Home/Beach workout routines created with physical, mental & social health in mind.

    Comes with accountability services.

Let’s work together