Top 8 Tips for Saving time in the Gym

When I sat down to write this post, I couldn’t help but laugh. You and I both know that we have fallen into the trap of killing so much time in the gym at some point along our fitness journey! We have such good intentions at the beginning but then the scenario plays out a little like this…

 A friend catch up later, with intermittent phone calls/messages, forgetting part of the workout and taking rests that you know are just too long, a good 30 minutes have passed and you haven't even gotten half way through your routine!

Is this you? Lol I've been there and done that too.

Have no fear, I’ve developed some hacks for remaining focused in the gym and maximising on the time you have…while still getting in a selfie or two! Because let's face it, not all of us can spend hours in the gym. We have other priorities that need our attention as well. Additionally, prolonged gym sessions are more likely to be associated with fatigue and becoming disinterested in completing said session. This post takes you through my top 8 ways for maximising my time when I’m working out.


TIP 1: Have a set workout plan before going to the gym

Tip 1: Have a set workout plan before going to the gym. Depending on your preference this could be written, printed or saved as a pdf or typed on your phone.


There’s nothing more time consuming than having to figure out what exercises you’re going to do once you get to the gym. Decide before gym time what movements will be done for that session. Once you have one, then it needs to be easily accessible. Personally, I save mine and my clients' workout programs as pdfs and then downloaded onto my phone. Other options include writing them down. I also know some persons who memorise their workouts. Choose which works best for you and run with it!


TIP 2: Put your phone on ‘Silent’ or ‘Do not disturb’ mode during your workouts


‘Silent’ or ‘Do not disturb’ modes are great for decreasing distractions while getting in your work. Spending long periods of time on social media can also eat up your time. My work around is that I'll take whatever pics and vids I need and then post them later. If you’re an influencer, setting aside separate days for content creation may be helpful.


Tip 3: Set boundaries for your socialising time in the gym

Two gym partners at the gym


For a lot of people the gym is a social place. Nothing is wrong with that but there has to be a balance. This is why setting boundaries is so important. Decide on whether you’re gonna do your rounds before or after your workout and let your friends know. They’ll understand.


Tip 4: Try to schedule your gym time within non-peak hours

Beyond Limits Fitness Center Wildey branch in Barbados


If you’re like me, you LOVE an empty gym! The less people in the gym, the more likely you are to stay focused and not get distracted.


Tip 5: Take a workout partner who will help you keep track of time

Gym partners ready to workout


Not your best friend who won the award for world’s best socialite and will talk to every single person in the gym before picking up a weight!


Tip 6: Carry your own gym essentials

Gym equipment flatlay


This way you don’t have to wait on essentials to become available. Some gym essentials I take with me include resistance bands, a yoga mat and wrist straps/gloves. Some persons carry their own skipping ropes or weight lifting belts etc. I get most of my stuff from Amazon. I’m working on compiling a list of products I’ve found there to save you time on searches. Check it out below!


Tip 7: Set a time for your rest periods

Black woman in gym checking the timer on her Samsung Galaxy watch


Timers are a great way to keep you on your toes. Most times if it was up to me, some of my rest periods would go on for forever lol. Timers have definitely helped in preventing this from happening. In addition to using your phone, smart watches make working with timers very convenient when in the gym. I’m currently using a Samsung Galaxy 4 that I’m in love with.


Tip 8: Superset! Superset! Superset!

Gym partners doing a bicep curl hold


Supersets are two exercise movements that are done sequentially without a rest in between. By eliminating the rest period, you complete more movements in less time. Not only do they help you save time but they are great for obtaining progressive overload. There are no limits to what superset combinations you can create!


So there you have it. These have truly worked for me and I hope that you find them useful too. If you do, I encourage you to share them with someone who could use them as well. Until next time Zealists!

Love & Light!


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