What exactly is Zeal?

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What is Zeal?

The spark and the flame. The unwavering desire, burning inside you. Keeping you up at night. Propelling you to the ultimate vision of self. The happy, the successful, the fulfilled self.

The song in your heart. A harmonious symphony of flowing, complex and intricate notes that inspires every move you make & sweetens every step you take. The power behind your pirouette. The engine to your burpee.

Electric like Florida sky lightning. Intense like solar heat. A force like the wind that rules the tides. The element of energy.

The unwavering yearning for growth that gradually eliminates anything which seeks to thwart your ascent and gladly welcomes with open arms that which allows you to have life (and have it abundantly). It is fuel, it is light, it is fierce and unstoppable. It is strength and resilience

Passion untamed.

For one goal and one goal alone…

…to be the best version of you, the you the world was meant to be blessed with.


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